Forever Beautiful by Constantina


 Microblading FAQ

What is Microblading?

Microblading ( also known as Microstroking, Eyebrow Embroidery, Feather Stroke Brows, 3D Brows, micropigmentation, etc. ) is the process of manually implanting pigment into the dermal layer by means of tiny sterile disposable needles to produce the appearance of hair stokes.

Is it tattooing?

With the sudden trend to the term microblading, many are led to believe microblading is not a tattoo.  This is FALSE. Permanent Cosmetics, semi-permanent makeup”, micropigmentation, dermal implantation and microblading/microstroking, are all different names for the SAME procedure - cosmetic tattooing.  Any time a pigment is placed into the skin with any device, it is a tattoo process.

Who is Microblading for?

Those who want to effortlessly look their best anytime.  Busy mom,s business women or anyone with an active lifestyle. Dry Skin types are the best for this technique.  I Don’t recommend Microblading for Very Oily and large pore Skin types.

Do my existing brows need to be shaved off?

NO! Please do not tweeze thread or wax or modify your brows in any way for as long as possible and no sooner than two weeks.  The beginning of your service includes a brief consultation followed by shaping and finally discussing color. You can continue your regular brow maintenance after your brows have healed.

Does it hurt?

The discomfort is relative as everyone has a different level of sensitivity.  A numbing anesthetic is applied and maintained throughout the procedure. I make every effort to ensure you remain comfortable for the duration of the procedure. Most of my clients are pleasantly surprised with the level of comfort, in some cases i have had clients fall asleep.  My approach is always gentle and precise.

Pre Care Instructions are designed and MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service.  Excessive bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment and lead to poor results.

  • Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure

  • If you are a frequent smoker or “sun worshipper” the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and can lead to poor retention and poor lasting results

  • If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia be aware this may affect your sensitivity tolerance for this procedure

How long is the Healing process?

It is normal to experience minimal swelling and tenderness immediately after you procedure.  This usually subsides within a few hours. The 1st week following your treatment, the pigment will appear much darker than how it will appear once healed.  Around the 1st or 2nd week after the procedure , the skin naturally exfoliates and sheds. When the skin completes healing by week 6 up to week 8, you will see the pigment become more visible.  A touch or or enhancement session approximately 6-8 weeks (8-10 weeks recommended for mature skin) after your first visit is necessary in order to achieve that richness in color, achieve symmetry and density in shape.

How old do I have to be to get tattooed?

You must be 18 years or older.

Can I get tattooed if pregnant or  nursing?

As a precaution, I do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant or nursing women.

How long does microblading last?

Microblading is a cosmetic tattoo.  The pigment will fade over time. I recommend getting an annual touch up to keep them looking their best.  There is no guarantee in how long it lasts as each individual has very different skin and lifestyle.

Frequency of touch ups depends on a number of factors including: skin type, pigment selection, lifestyle (sun exposure, smoking, acidic skin care products, chemical peels, retinol creams, etc)  iron deficiency ( your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement) iron oxide is found in most lines of pigments)

Please note that the final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates.  A re-evaluation on how your skin received the pigment will be done at your touch up and the necessary adjustments will be made.

How many treatments are needed?

Microblading is a multi step appointment process.  YOUR BROWS WILL NOT BE COMPLETED AFTER JUST ONE SERVICE.  For microblading, a minimum of 2 sessions is Required. Each of these appointments begins 6-8 weeks apart.  At the touch up (2nd visit ) your color retention will be assessed and any necessary adjustments will be made.  Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always add more strokes, and add to the shape and or color at your next appointment.

What Factors will affect microblading?

Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption.  Alcohol and certain medications act as blood thinner and should be avoided 48 hours prior to your appointment.

  • Sun Exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo and may also change the color appearance of the pigment.  A physical sunscreen should be used ( once healed ) to prolong your color. Whenever possible please protect your new beautiful brows from the UV Rays!  ( hats, sunscreen )

  • The choice of pigment color: Some colors may fade quicker than others like blonde pigment may fade quicker than a dark brunette pigment.

  • Lifestyle: smikers, “sun worshippers” or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress (rosacea, acne, etc) may have less desirable results

  • If you are iron deficient or Anemic, your pigment will fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during or after procedure.

  • Health Condtions for ei. Hyperthyroidism, Auto immune disorders affect how you heal and inks retention.

  • Taking certain meds for ei: Antihistamines, Steroids, Allergy meds make skin vey rough to manually create fluid micro strokes

  • Be off of any antibiotics or at least be off for at least 2 weeks ( to clear from your system) before having any type of cosmetic tattoo.

What should I do prior to my eyebrows procedure?

If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, please bring a couple photos with you to your appointment.  You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so that i may take into consideration the shape and color you feel most comfortable with.  If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted please refrain from doing so within at least 1 week of your appointment. If there are any stray hairs outside of the final shape, I will remove them.

  • If you plan to go on vacation, I recommend scheduling your cosmetic tattoo procedure 30 days before your trip.

  • Its required my clients must stop at least 2 weeks prior or more, ALL types of supplements..

  • It’s required not be taking any blood thinning medication for a minimum of 48 hours prior to your appointment. This include ibuprofen, Advil, aspirin. (Tylenol is the only med that is ok to take)  

  • Do no drink any alcohol or caffeine 48 hours prior to your appointment. ( including decaf coffee & TEA)

  • If you Maintain Botox REGULARLY to LIFT YOUR BROWS please come to your scheduled session with botox still in affect. If you have botox done wait 2 weeks for botox to settle in order to have your brow procedure.  Only for clients who do botox regularly to change position of their brows. For Clients who do botox please book a day after or later botox , as you cannot lay down for long periods Immediately after receiving botox.

  • If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you must wait at least one year before considering this procedure.  Doxycycline users are also encouraged to wait up to 6 months before receiving Microblading.

  • Apply Vaseline or aquaphor every night for a week before apt.

I Highly recommend that you avoid SUN and Tanning BED exposure 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure.  If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit.  A your skin exfoliates from a sunburn it will take the pigment with it.

How will I look immediately after?

Your brows will appear darker and more intense than expected for the first week or so.  This will gradually lighten during the healing process. Redness and swelling is minimal.  You can anticipate your brows being bolder than normal the first few days after your procedure, but no need to go into hiding. You may experience some exfoliation of your skin starting around day 4 lasting to about day 7 or so.

What should I do After procedure?

Please Review the Pre & Post Care Instructions.  It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the BEST possible results.  DO NOT rub, pick the healing area as the color will peel off prematurely and avoid extreme heat, sweating and contaminated bodies of water ( such as saunas, hot tubs,steam rooms, pools, lake and places with hot humidity, etc )

How will my microblading brows look in the future?

During your appointment an evaluation of your skin tone is done to anticipate how the pigment colors will heal and fade in the future.  Pigments are mix and customized to your specific skin tone and type. There are some cases, however, where the color may fade to a different tone according to the individuals response to the pigments. (like lifestyle and iron deficiencies)  Many factors affect these changes. At your follow up appointment, a re-evaluations is done to see how your body has responded to the initial color. If needed, special formula alterations to correct the color is made at this time. Your eyebrow tattoo will eventually look softer and have more of a “powdered” look.  To Keep your brows looking their best, a refresher appointment is suggested every 12 months. Results and preferences vary with each client.

What should i know about long term care?

  • The color will fade or lighten over time. An annual Color Refresher is recommended to keep brows looking their best.  Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, absorption, broken capillaries, iron deficiency and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure.

  • If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo.  Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area.

  • you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area.  Laser may cause pigment to turn black.

Will microblading work well for me?

If you have extremely oily skin, microblading may NOT work well for you.  The constant production of oil in the dermis will cause the hairstrokes to heal with a diffused, softer look.  Your end result will look more powdered instead of crisp hair stroke appearance. Certain health conditions may also affect hoe ink is absorbed when healed requiring more frequent visits than usual. ( hyperthyroidism, auto-immune disorders)

Do you tattoo mens eyebrows?

YES! Happy to accommodate consultations for men interested in microblading.

How do I book and Appointment?

Appointments can be made via my online booking system

 >>> Click Here to Schedule an Appointment <<<

Ombre - powder brows

Ombre Brows, Powder Brows, Shading… are all different names for essentially the same process. Any of these styles create the ‘filled in’ or ‘penciled in’ makeup look for the eyebrows. The shading can be as light and airy /powdery or as dense in shading as you like. It is Semi Permanent and won’t wash off in the shower.

In my opinion, Powder or Ombre Brows always end up being the preferred choice of women who are used to penciling in their brows every day. It is also the best choice for women with oily skin and or large pores. With oily skin types, Microblading will not last as long as a powder or ombre brow (Microblading would last as little as 6 months with very oily skin types). This is because with a powder/ombre brow, many layers of pigment have been applied all throughout the shape of your brows . Where with microblading, only micro amounts of ink, in a thinly created hair stroke, about the width of a hair, is implanted into the skin.

Each consultation, I always take into consideration my clients skin type, skin regimen & lifestyle, to determine and inform my clients of the best technique and methods suitable for creating the Best healed and most long lasting results.

With clients that fall into the oily skin type category, that come in with the hopes of microblading, I always try to educate them as to why a powder is the best option for them. If they are still not sure, I will start off conservatively with microblading, giving them the option to add shading at the touch up a month later. I always say less is more, we can always add but we cannot remove. So in these cases I give my clients an opportunity to try out microblading for the month. When they come to their touch up, in most cases they request the powder/ombre brow.

A Powder Ombre Brow is the BEST technique for all Skin types. This Technique will always last the longest.

At our scheduled 1st session I take the time to Perfect the drawing down to the strokes and or level of shading. Iwill draw EXACTLY what I will tattoo removing any fears or guess work

Permanent Eyeliner FAQ

What is permanent Eyeliner?

Permanent Eyeliner frames the eyes and can make eyelashes appear thicker, darker and fuller.  It eliminates the need to apply eyeliner with a makeup pencil or liquid eyeliner. It can enhance the shape or balance any symmetry of an individual eye, it can create an illusion of larger eyes, or affect how the spacing of the eyes are perceived.  Permanent eyeliner can also enhance or intensify your eye color and make eyes appear brighter.

For those who like a more natural look, eyeliner is enhanced on the base of lashes making it appear as though you have full and thick lashes.

For those who like a more dramatic look, depending on the individual skin, permanent makeup eyeliner can be built up to the desired thickness over the course of multiple sessions.

Eyeliner tattoo is done with a minimum of 2 sessions.  During the first session i tend to err on the side of caution with thickness, length and color as we can always add more at the touch up session.  It's always a good idea to have a “natural “ and “conservative” application of permanent eyeliner at the initial session.

What if i'm not sure how much eyeliner id like to have applied?

I ALWAYS begin each tattoo eyeliner session with a customized design of your lash line or  eyeliner based on your individual needs, shape of your eyes as well as personal style. Color and design is discussed and decided immediately before the actual application.

What are the benefits of permanent eyeliner?

  • Defines your eyes

  • No more smudges, smears or worn off eyeliner

  • Great for people with allergies to cosmetic products

  • Enhances the lash line

  • Saves time and money

  • Great for people with unsteady hands or vision problems

  • Swim, shower or exercise without the eyeliner running

  • Fills in thin or light colored eyelashes

  • Ideal for total eyelash loss due to Trichotillomania or Alopecia

How old do I have to be to get tattooed?

You must be 18 years or older to receive Permanent MakeUp

Does it hurt?

The eyeliner or the lash line procedure is more psychologically scary to most client than anything else.  The discomfort is relative as everyone has different levels of sensitivity. A pre-numbing anesthetic is applied to the eyelids for numbing prior and during the procedure.  Every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

Pre-Care Instructions are designed and MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED  to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessive bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.

If you are a frequent smoker or “sun worshipper” the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and also can lead to poor retention and poor lasting results.

What should I do before and after the procedure?

Please review the detailed “Pre Care Instructions and the After Care Instructions.  It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best possible results.  DO NOT rub or pick the healing area as the color will peel off prematurely and avoid extreme heat, sweating and contaminated bodies of water ( such as saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, steamy showers, pools, lakes and places with hot humidity, etc.)

How will I look immediately after?

There will be swelling.  The swelling starts going down right away and in most people, it is back to normal by the following morning.  The color will appear darker the first week. This will gradually lighten during the complete healing process. No need to go into hiding. Swelling is minimal in the first 24 hours.

If I am using an Eyelash Serum, similar to Lash Boost or Latisse, Can I still have my permanent eyeliner done?

Not unless you have stopped at least 3 months prior to your permanent eyeliner procedure.  The reason is that those types of serums are very harsh on the eyelids and make your lids quite fragile for cosmetic tattooing.  As a result, your eyelids will bleed and bruise. After your eyeliner procedure is completed, you should wait 2-4 weeks to start your serum again.

How long is the healing process?  

It is normal to experience minimal swelling and tenderness immediately following your procedure.  This usually subsides within a few hours. The first week following your treatment, the pigment will appear much darker than how it will appear once its healed.  Around the the 1st or 2nd week after the procedure the skin naturally exfoliates and sheds. The Pigment will become more visible by week 4 up to 8. A touch up session is required 4-8 weeks from the initial session to make necessary adjustments, in richness of color, symmetry and density in the shape.

How long does Permanent Eyeliner last?

Permanent Eyeliner is a cosmetic tattoo.  The pigment will fade over time and it is recommended you come in for a Color refresher when the color begins to fade to keep your eyeliner looking its best.  There is no guarantee in how long it lasts as each individual has very different skin types and lifestyle.

Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates.  Eyeliner takes a minimum of 2 sessions to perfect where at the touch up I asses the color retention and make any necessary adjustments. If your permanent eyeliner does not heal perfectly after the first session, do not worry!   The eyeliner can always be made bolder at the touch up appointment.

What factors will affect Permanent MakeUp Eyeliner?

Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Alcohol and certain medications act as blood thinners and should be avoided 48 hours prior to your appointment.

Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo and may also change the color appearance of the pigment.  A physical sunscreen should be used ( once healed) to prolong your enhancement. Whenever possible, I encourage my clients to wear sunglasses to protect their beautiful eyeliner!

Lifestyle: Smokers, “sun worshippers” or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress may have less desirable results.

It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure.  If you show up to your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and forfeit your deposit.  As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

What should I know about long term care?

  • The color will lighten over time.  Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency.

  • Wear protective sunglasses whenever in the sun.

  • Must wear assigned tanning bed goggles over eyes while tanning, for the protections of your eyes and your eyeliners pigment longevity

  • If you are planning an MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo.

  • If you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area.  Laser may cause pigment to turn black.

How often do I need eyeliner touch ups?

Touch up appointments are optional.  We suggest that if you want to maintain your eyeliner so that it always looks its best, plan on scheduling a Color Refresher once every 2 years.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments may be made via my online booking system

>>> Click here to Schedule an Appointment <<<

Lip Blush Tattoo FAQ

What is Permanent Lip Blush Tattoo?

Lip Blush Tattoo is a great alternative for someone who is lacking color, lacking a defined border and for those who want to create the illusion of fuller lips.  Some of my clients like to do this procedure in conjunction with lip fillers or lip surgery to maximize the effectiveness of lip enhancement treatments.

Immediately Before starting the procedure, a thorough consultations is done to determine the lip design, shape and color that you are interested in and best suites you.  The lip enhancement includes a soft blending into the lips so there is no line of demarcation. It will enhance the fullness of the lips. This is done at a minimum of 2 sessions.

What are the benefits of Permanent Lip Blush?

  • Lips appear more defined without surgery or fillers

  • Restores color to lips that have become pale

  • Corrects Blurred lip lines

  • Covers scars and hypopigmentation

  • No more “bleeding” lipsticks

  • Makes lips appear fuller and larger

  • Eliminates the daily use of pencil to outline, fill in, or reshaping lip borders

How old do I have to be to get tattooed?

You must be 18 years or older to receive Permanent Makeup.

Can I get tattooed if I’m pregnant or nursing?

As a precaution, I do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant or nursing woman.

Does it hurt?

Of all permanent makeup procedures, the permanent lip enhancement procedure is the most sensitive.  However we do numb your lips prior to and throughout the procedure with a highly effective topical anesthetic for your comfort.

Pre-Care Instructions are designed and MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service.  Excessive bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

  • Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure

  • If you are a frequent smoker or “sun worshipper” the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and also can lead to poor retention and poor lasting results.

What should I do before and after the procedure?

Please review the Pre care and Post Care Instructions.  It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best possible results.  DO NOT rub or pick the healing area as the color will peel off prematurely and avoid extreme heat, sweating and contaminated bodies of water ( such as saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, pools, lakes and places with hot humidity, etc.)

How do I prepare for the lip procedure?

You MUST understand that if you have EVER had a fever blister or a cold sore, you MUST take Zovirax, Famvir or Valtrex or other anti-viral pre and post procedure to help prevent the outbreak of cold sores.  There are No exceptions to this rule! If you do have an outbreak, it will usually occur on the 3rd day following lip color application. This rule hold true each and every time you have any amount of permanent lip blush applied.

You will need to call your physician in order to obtain your prescription strength anti-viral medication.  You must inform them your having your lips permanently blushed/tattooed and they will need to call your prescription in for you to pick up at your pharmacy.

If I have had a lip filler Injection already, am I still a candidate for permanent Lip Blushing?

No, I do not do permanent lip enhancement over lips which have had lip filler  injected into them. This is because the lip filler and the lip color will be sharing the same space within your lips.  If the filler has taken up most of the space, or even some of the space, your permanent lip tint will have little space for implantation and you will have poor results.

I recommend you have the permanent lip blush first and then lip filler injection once the lips are healed.

What if I can’t decide on a lip color?

We will discuss which colors suit you based on your skin tone but of course your personal preference comes into play too.  You can always enhance or change the color of your lips at anytime with conventional makeup. Your new lip tattoo is designed to act as a base, so it doesn’t mean you should throw out your lipsticks and glosses.  Never use lipstick during the healing process. Once everything is fully healed you can use lipsticks glosses and balms as usual.

How will my lips look immediately after?

Your lips will look slightly larger than normal and look as though you may have had a slight lip filler injection.  The degree of this varies from person to person. For most clients, the swelling happens in a few hours. However, the lip color will look quite dark, like lipstick.  You need to know that the size of your lips will shrink back to normal and the color will significantly fade up to 50% within the first 4 days. You will lose color on the inside of your lips first, the edges last.  Right after the procedure lips normally feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. Lips will feel better with each day.

How long is the healing process?

Expect moderate swelling, usually 1-3 days following the procedure.  Scabs will make the lips feel thick. LIps will fade up to 50% after the first 5 days.  While healing, the tattoo will look spotty. This is due to oxidation of the pigment and the redness of the skin.  2-3 permanent makeup applications may be required to achieve the desired results. An Enhancement session visit approximately 5-8 weeks after your first visit is necessary in order to achieve that richness in color, achieve symmetry and density in the shape.

How long does Permanent Lip Blush last?

Color can last up to 3 years.

Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type holds pigments differently and break down at different rates.  We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment, the color retentions and make any necessary adjustments at your touch up session.  LIPS WILL NOT BE COMPLETED AFTER JUST ONE SERVICE. A minimum of 2 sessions are needed initially. Each Session spaced out 5-8 weeks apart. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry, we can always go bolder by adding another layer of pigment for more richness.

How often is a touch up needed?

Lip color requires frequent touch ups compared to other permanent makeup procedures due to the fact that the lips are very vascular and the body metabolizes the lip color at a rapid rate compared to other body parts which are not vascularized.

What factors affect Permanent Lip Blush?

Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption.  Caffeine, alcohol, certain food or drink and medications act as blood thinners and should be avoided 48 hours prior to your appointment.

Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo and may also change the color appearance of the pigment.  A physical sunscreen should be used ( once healed) to prolong your enhancement. Whenever possible, I encourage my clients to wear sunglasses to protect their beautiful eyeliner!

Lifestyle: Smokers, “sun worshippers” or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress may have less desirable results.

It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure.  If you show up to your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and forfeit your deposit.  As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

What should I know about long term care?

Touch up appointments are optional.  If you do not maintain, the color will lighten over time.  

  • Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure.

  • Wear protective lip balm with spf when exposed to the sun or tanning bed

  • If you are planning an MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo.

  • If you are planning to have a chemical peel, laser treatments please tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area.  Laser may cause pigment to turn black.

How do I book an appointment?

Appointments may be made through the online booking system.

>>> Click Here to Schedule an Appointment <<<

For further questions feel free to email me at (Please allow 48 hours for response time due to high volume of inquiries ).

Please note that your Credit Card is required to schedule and secure your appointment. However there is no Charge at the time of booking.  This is to ensure that you are serious about your appointment and to prevent no shows.  No Shows will be charged a $200 No show fee. Please cancel at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.