Forever Beautiful by Constantina


Microblading After Care Instructions

DAY 1 : Please wash hands with antibacterial soap before you wash your eyebrow. Then wash your eyebrows EVERY HOUR very well with a gentle cleanser and lukewarm water! Pat dry with a tissue than apply a very thin layer of Skin Candy or Aquaphor. If you cannot wash every hour, patting them lightly with a fresh new tissue every hour & applying ointment is ok too.

Please wash your brows every morning and night for the next 7-10 days, with a gentle cleanser. We want to be sure brows are kept clean and free from bacteria and infection.

Only use a gentle mild cleanser on your Brows (like Cetaphil). Avoid using your normal cleansers on your brows unless its gentle. ( you may use ur normal cleanser below the brows.)

When washing brows use a light patting motion. Rinse clean. Pat brows dry, with a clean fresh towel. Allow brows to air dry for a minute & then apply a light layer of ointment.

DAYS 2-7 : Wash brows morning and at night. Keep eyebrows lightly glossed for the next 7-10 days, with the Skin Candy or Aquaphor ( provided)   3 to 4 x's  a day or when your ointment wears off/brows get dry. Every clients skin is different therefore the amount of times you reapply ointment is individual to you. Apply as needed. Never let your brows remain dry it will produce hard scabs and ink will come out from the hard scabs. Please keep Brows lightly moist continuously for 7-10 days. DO NOT apply a thick layer. Only apply a VERY THIN layer. Do not suffocate your eyebrows.  Your skin needs to be able to breathe while staying moist.

  1. Do not use any Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, Peroxide, Neosporin while healing.

  2. Do not scrub or pick off skin on your eyebrows

  3. Do not expose area to sun or tanning beds! Must use hat if in the sun.

  4. Avoid any facials, swimming, whirlpools, sauna or steamy showers for 7 days

  5. Do not Exercise for the first 7 days. Especially No heavy sweating!

  6. No make-up on the eyebrows for 7 days

  7. Do not tint eyebrows for the next 10 days.



  1. Slight swelling, thickness and/or redness for one to two days following the procedure.

  2. It is normal to lose approximately 1/3 of the color during the healing process

  3. After the initial procedure, the color may be a shade too dark; in 6 days it will appear too light and after 10 days the color will show more.

  4. It will appear softer when completely healed because the color will come from the dermal layer of the skin to the epidermal layer of the skin.

  5. Please be Patient. Healing takes up to 30 days. In your next appointment more hairs can be added and made perfect.

The brows are approximately 20 to 25% darker and bolder in width than they will be when healed. Your sking is red under the pigment which causes the color of the pigment to appear darker. There is some swelling, although difficult to actually see due to the thickness of the skin in the eyebrow area. This will subside. Exfoliation, (shedding of skin) which begins in a few days, will cause the excess pigment surrounding the eyebrow procedure, to flake away creating a narrower appearance of your eyebrows. Don’t be concerned that your eyebrows appear darker and heavier in size than you desire. this is all part of the process.

Ombre Or Pwder Brow Aftercare Instructions

What to Expect

Slight Swelling of varying degrees of redness.  Fairer complexions will tend to be more pink or red.

How to Care for your Permanent MakeUp

Day of Procedure:  Pat LIGHTLY to remove any fluid with soft tissue.  Apply a thin tiny amount of ointment that will be provided to you. (Aquaphor, After Inked or Grape seed oil)

Day2:  Wash brows LIGHTLY with warm water & mild soap using fingertips.  Pat dry with a clean dry cloth. Apply a very thin layer of ointment.

Day 2-7:  Continue to wash lightly as above.  Apply a SMALL AMOUNT of Aquaphor or After Inked or grape seed oil as needed thorughout the day.  When brow feels dry, apply a thin layer. if you see it its too much. Skin needs to be lightly moist and able to breathe not saturated or suffocated by ointment.

What to Avoid

AVOID Placing your face directly into a shower & avoid: night creams, moisturizers, active skin creams, Retin-A, soaps, facial cleansers, on pigmented areas.

AVOID Direct sunlight while healing.

AVOID picking or scratching/peeling brows while healing.

-Avoid makeup, Retin-A & glycolic acids on pigmented areas while healing.

-Avoid touching with fingers, sunscreens, direct sun, tanning beds & self tanners on pigmented areas.  Once healed, use good sunscreen daily.

-Avoid swimming in pools, oceans, hot tubs, saunas and hot steamy showers.  Shower with back to shower head to avoid water, shampoo/ conditioner getting into pigmented areas.

-Avoid dirt ( as in gardening), extreme perspiration (the gym) for the first week to prevent possible infection.

-Don't be alarmed if pigment comes off on Q-tip when applying aftercare ointments.

-Don't be alarmed by fading after 1st application.  Final Color can't be judged until 3-4 weeks post procedure.

-Never use topical antibiotics unless given to you at the time of your procedure, with specific instructions.

-If planning a Chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please notify technicianyou may have iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo

-If planning to have laser hair removal on upper lip or a Photo Facial usling IPL, notify laser specialist of cosmetic tattoo so this area may be avoided by the laser.  Both ablative and non-ablative lasers may cause pigment to turn black.

-To donate blood, it's a Red Cross policy to wait one year after tattooing procedure.  

What to Notice

Infections are extremely rare, however, if red ring appears aroung your brows, seek medical attention.  Brows may weep for first few days so change your pillowcase nightly.

At first sign of infection we advise you to consult your physician.

Eyeliner Aftercare Instructions

What to Expect

Various degrees of swelling may occur, generally for first few mornings.  Sleep propped up or on your back to reduce swelling.

Sleep propped up or on your back to reduce swelling.

A sealed ice bag covered with clean paper towel can be LIGHLTY applied for the first 2 days.

If eyes are weeping or tearing, pat lightly to dry with soft tissue.


How to Care for your Permanent MakeUp

Day of procedure & Day 2 : Wash eyes with mild soap and water, using fingertips.  Rinse well and lightly pat dry.  Apply nothing.

DAY 3:   Apply nothing.  No need to wash unless lashes are stuck together.

DAY 4-6:  Apply nothing.  Allow your eyeliner to dry heal.  Should be no need to wash until healed.  Then, resume regular routine.

Change your pillowcase nightly.

What to Avoid

AVOID: Eye creams, Latisse & Lash growth products, moisturizers, Retin-A, Lash Tinting, Lash Extensions & false lashes for 2 WEEKS following procedures.

AVOID Rubbing eyes for few days following procedure

AVOID high sodium foods ( for at least the first 3 days)

What to Notice

You must seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY if you see signs of bloodshot eyes or pus in the corners of your eye/eyes.  This may be an infection, requiring a physician and prescribed medication. 


-Avoid makeup, Retin-A & glycolic acids on pigmented areas while healing.

-Avoid touching with fingers, sunscreens, direct sun, tanning beds & self tanners on pigmented areas.  Once healed, use good sunscreen daily.

-Avoid swimming in pools, oceans, hot tubs, saunas and hot steamy showers.  Shower with back to shower head to avoid water, shampoo/ conditioner getting into pigmented areas.

-Avoid dirt ( as in gardening), extreme perspiration (the gym) for the first week to prevent possible infection.

-Don't be alarmed if pigment comes off on Q-tip when applying aftercare ointments.

-Don't be alarmed by fading after 1st application.  Final Color can't be judged until 3-4 weeks post procedure.

-Never use topical antibiotics unless given to you at the time of your procedure, with specific instructions.

-If planning a Chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please notify technicianyou may have iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo

-If planning to have laser hair removal on upper lip or a Photo Facial usling IPL, notify laser specialist of cosmetic tattoo so this area may be avoided by the laser.  Both ablative and non-ablative lasers may cause pigment to turn black.

-To donate blood, it's a Red Cross policy to wait one year after tattooing procedure.  

Lips Aftercare Instructions

First Week:

It’s important to try not to get the tattoo wet during the healing process (5-7 days). Even though it is unlikely that the tattoo will remain dry for the entirety of the healing process, refrain from swimming or submerging the area in water for long periods of time for the first week of healing. Following this makeup tattoo aftercare procedure will ensure the formation of thin scabs thus more color retention. Keep out of the sun for 7 days after you get your tattoo.

  • FOR LIPS ONLY: Use Aquaphor to keep the tattoo protected while it heals and to soothe any discomfort such as itching or dryness. Avoid applying lip balms, lipstick, or other lip products during this time. Apply Aquaphor every 30-60 minutes for the first week to keep lips from drying out.

  • AVOID touching any tattooed area with your hands. Apply all recommended products with Q-tips ONLY. If the area must be touched with hands, make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before and after touching the tattooed area.

  • Day 3-4: When the scab starts to appear, do not wipe- only dab until dry; you must be gentle! Do not pull off the scabs prematurely.

  • Week 2 or 3: After the procedure is completely healed, you may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine. Avoid scrubbing the area. Use sun block after the procedure area is healed to protect from sun fading.



    • Scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath it can be pulled out.

    • Use any makeup on the tattooed area for at least 7 days.

    • Use any Retin-A, Glycol Acids, or Neosporin in the tattooed area during or after healing.

    • Expose area to sun or tanning beds.

    • Swim in a pool for 14 days after your procedure.

What is normal?

  • Mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light brushing and dry tightness. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare ointments work well for scabbing and tightness.

  • Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade, and once any swelling dissipates, unevenness usually disappears. Adjustments will be made during the touch-up appointment.

  • Color change or color loss. As the procedure area heals, the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear in places. This can be addressed during the touch up appointment, which is why touch up appointments are necessary. The procedure area has to heal completely before we can address any concerns. Healing takes about 4 weeks.

  • Need a touch up months later. A touch up may be needed 6 months to 1 year after the first touch up procedure depending on your skin, medications, and sun exposure. We recommend the first touch up 30 days after the first session, then every 6 months to 1 year to keep your tattoos looking fresh and beautiful! If most hair strokes have faded, the entire procedure will need to be repeated. An email photo consultation (or in person consolation) may be necessary to determine if you need a touch up or a repeat of the entire procedure.


If the skin around the tattooed area breaks into a heat rash, or small pimples, this is usually a reaction to the numbing solution and should go away on its own in a couple of weeks. Please do not pick at it! Call immediately if this occurs so a technician can make a note of the reaction and follow up to ensure this is not a more serious situation!

What to Expect

DAY OF PROCEDURE : Swelling may occur.  An ice bag covered with a paper towel can be applied for the first day and next morning. 

Lips tend to be very dry.

What to Notice

Lips may weep first few days, change your pillowcase nightly.

Lips tend to fade 60% and color can hide for a 4 week period before resurfacing.


Also Avoid

AVOID extended wear lipsticks or plumping gloss

AVOID teeth bleaching for a minimum of 3 weeks

AVOID drinking any beverages without a straw

-Avoid makeup, Retin-A & glycolic acids on pigmented areas while healing.

-Avoid touching with fingers, sunscreens, direct sun, tanning beds & self tanners on pigmented areas.  Once healed, use good sunscreen daily.

-Avoid swimming in pools, oceans, hot tubs, saunas and hot steamy showers.  Shower with back to shower head to avoid water, shampoo/ conditioner getting into pigmented areas.

-Avoid dirt ( as in gardening), extreme perspiration (the gym) for the first week to prevent possible infection.

-Don't be alarmed if pigment comes off on Q-tip when applying aftercare ointments.

-Don't be alarmed by fading after 1st application.  Final Color can't be judged until 3-4 weeks post procedure.

-Never use topical antibiotics unless given to you at the time of your procedure, with specific instructions.

-If planning a Chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please notify technician you may have iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo

-If planning to have laser hair removal on upper lip or a Photo Facial usling IPL, notify laser specialist of cosmetic tattoo so this area may be avoided by the laser.  Both ablative and non-ablative lasers may cause pigment to turn black.

-To donate blood, it's a Red Cross policy to wait one year after tattooing procedure.  



Plasma Fibroblast / Plamere Plasma Pen


Following Fibroblast Treatment, most people experience a mild burning sensation similar to a sunburn which resolves after a couple of hours.

Depending upon your own sensitivity tolerance this discomfort may last a little longer. If you feel particularly uncomfortable, anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen can be taken. (Obviously ensure this is compatible with any other prescribed medication that you may be taking.)

As a natural healing response, it is usual for the treated area to become swollen, especially around the more delicate areas such as the eyes.

Once again this can vary depending upon your natural rate of recovery: however most people find it only usually lasts few days.

In extreme cases, ( especially if clients fail to follow after care advice ) the swelling can last several days and may initially interfere with vision.

Once again anti- inflammatory medication and/or anti-histamine may help.

Clients often find application of ice packs not only soothes but helps reduce swelling.

Initially After treatment and for a day or so afterwards, there may be occasional weeping. This is simply plasma and is a natural healing response.

As the treated area begins to heal, you will notice its drying out process, a brown/black crust develops upon the surface of the skin.

This simply flakes off after a few days but in some cases can take over 2 weeks.

DO NOT PICK at this crusting as it can lead to infection or scarring. Likewise it is important to keep the treated area Clean.

If out and about, we advise coverage of a high factor sunscreen to avoid sun burn as the area's sensitivity to sunlight will be heightened for up to 3 months.

Luke warm boiled water is best or a sensitive cleanser for cleaning the treated area, do not use alcohol based cleansers or apply a plaster or occlusive dressings as this will interfere and slow down the healing process.

Providing you listen carefully and follow closely all aftercare advice you should soon be enjoying your new look. However, if at any time the treated area becomes hot , red or shows signs of pus, please contact me for advice as you may be developing an infection.

For optimum results, more than one treatment is usually needed and can be completed from around 6 weeks onwards.


* Burning sensation will soon reduce

* Anti-inflammatory / Anti-histamine medication can help

* You may have some swelling especially around your eyes

* Swelling usually only lasts a few days

* Ice packs can soothe and help reduce swelling

* Occasional weeping will settle

* Formation of brown/ black crusts on skin surface


* Crusts will flake off in a few days

* Keep treated area clean and dry

*** On 2nd day and on, you may lightly blot the ointment provided, 2-3 times a day or use aquaphor. Lightly blot on a very thin amount to keep area lightly moist throughout the day until crusts fall off.

* Clean using Luke warm boiled water or gentle cleanser

* Avoid alcohol based cleansers

* Use sunscreen of out and about

* Do not cover with plasters or occlusive dressings

* Contact me for advice if area becomes hot, red or weeping pus

* Treatment Review from 6 weeks onwards